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HS Strength & Conditioning (Metro West)

Specialized strength and conditioning group training for student-athletes in grades 8-12.

  • 1 hour
  • 35 US dollars
  • EMPWR Fitness, 140 Gould Street, Needham, MA

Service Description

Ije Company's Strength & Conditioning Training for high school students (Grades 8-12) in the Metro West area. This program welcomes students of all fitness levels and sports backgrounds who want to enhance their skills. Through Ije's Strength methodology, participants can expect to improve their strength and power abilities. The High School program builds upon the fundamental movements taught in previous Ije programs and provides advanced SPA movements, mobility, strength, and core training. Each athlete's training sessions are personalized to their specific sport. This program aims to help athletes enhance their athleticism, prevent injuries, and be part of a community of like-minded athletes and coaches dedicated to achieving their goals. Participants can choose from different payment options, including packages of 8 or 12 or reoccurring membership for the committed & consistent athletes. Additional dates and times will be added monthly, including weekdays and holiday/break times. If you have any questions, please reach out to Owner/Director Ricky Igbani at

Contact Details

Back of the building 140 Gould Street, Needham, MA, USA

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